About MonteAzulFarms
We've all heard the term "You are what you Eat!" - we take that very seriously in the food we produce. We only eat what we feel is Nutrient Based foods rich in proteins. We are a Paleo - Primal based farm.
Our vegetables are cultivated by hand. Our clean, chemical
and large equipment free approach to growing means that we maintain a fertile
soil great for cultivating chemical free harvest.
We believe in producing only good food for our families & raising Grass Fed, Free Range Chickens & Beef. Welcome to our family!!!

Deacon Eloy and his wife Anita have been cultivating food
and children for almost 50 years. They raised nine children on their family
farm and served as educators throughout New Mexico. They now run an Animal
Welfare Approved Farm in the beautiful Mora Valley at the base of the Sangre
de Cristo Mountains. Dr. Anita Roybal is now a director of Education at Luna
Community College and Deacon Eloy is a director of food production on the farm.
Their approach to farming marries well together the skills they used for years
to cultivate thriving learning environments and cultures of growth in the
schools they’ve led together.

Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...